Who are you, what’s your role and how long have you been at LIVES?
Naomi Waumsley, CEMS Paramedic and Trainee Advanced Clinical Practitioner (Year 3).
What does your day to day look like?
A typical CEMS shift for Naomi includes greeting colleagues in the morning and logging on to show emergency response availability to EOC. This is followed by precise equipment and CD checks to ensure the vital kit is intact, in date and loaded into the vehicles ready for use. This kit includes a Defibrillator, Point of care ultrasound and point-of-care blood testing – iSTAT. The team utilise a QR code check system to ensure precise rotation of individual bag checks and record these within a database. CEMS throughout the shift respond to and support with a variety of 999 calls. When appropriate, they support patients with alternative pathways to the Emergency Department and can offer enhanced treatments within the community setting.
CEMS are a patient-centred team that will always seek to advocate for their patients, with best interest and realistic clinical decisions at the heart. This is reflected in the wonderful patient feedback received. In addition to face-to-face care, CEMS support local ambulance crews both remotely and face-to-face – these cases are usually complex and require multi-disciplinary joint decision-making. The team also work closely alongside the valuable commissioned Falls response team who aim to reduce avoidable hospital admissions caused by prolonged lies. This team relieves huge pressure from the ambulance service and subsequent hospital and social teams by working proactively to give aid to falls patients and assist them from the floor using specialist equipment. The CEMS team liaises regularly with this team to give clinical advice and facilitate on scene discharges with further referrals if required.
What’s something about your role that might surprise somebody reading this article?
Alongside my full-time role, I am currently working towards an MSc in Advanced Clinical Practice (Year 3). I am focused on continuing my education and as a team, we are focused on developing this unique service. We regularly participate in team incident simulations which builds both team morale and confidence. In the last year, I have been supported by LIVES to attend emergency care and advanced clinical practice conferences, PHTLS courses, rotational Urology, SDEC, ED placements and more. These experiences have been of great benefit and I believe due to this supportive learning environment I can care for the patients of Lincolnshire and support our partnership teams and local ambulance services better.
Why should people support LIVES?
LIVES are an invaluable asset to Lincolnshire. The regular feedback received speaks volumes. I am extremely proud to work both within this team, alongside our partnership team and wider organisations.
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