A commitment to saving life, whatever it takes. That’s what unites all our Emergency Responders. Whether they’re providing rapid first response support on their doorstep, or highly specialised medical interventions around the clock and across the county. It’s what they do. This isn’t a job. This is a life choice, that all LIVES’ volunteers share. Take a look at some of the roles they take on.
Saving lives. In the place we all live.
Our Community First Responders are ordinary people, doing extraordinary things. They come to us with little or no previous medical experience, just a willingness to learn life-saving skills and give up some of their time to be there to respond to calls for help in our community.
Getting there fast. Making the
difference between life and death.
LIVES Medic First Responders are trained doctors, nurses and paramedics. They give up their time for free to respond for LIVES. Because for people like them, the dedication to saving life, doesn’t end when their shift does. They’re hard wired to do it. It’s who they are.
Rapid, advanced treatment.
Wherever you are.
Our highly qualified volunteer Critical Care Responders specialise in delivering rapid, advanced treatments, often in locations which are miles away from the specialist hospital facilities the patient needs. For the people, they give up their time to save lives through their selfless work with LIVES, they are literally a lifeline.